Harald Rust

In memoriam: Dipl.-Ing. Harald Rust, * January 5th 1949 – † January 29th 2021
Founder and until the end of his life owner and managing partner of ENTEX Rust & Mitschke GmbH.


“Life is motion, swinging around a middlepoint.”

Harald Rust devoted most of his professional life to furthering the development of the Planetary Roller Extruder and expanding the use of this system to new industries and applications.
In 1986 he joined with Rolf Mitschke to establish ENTEX Rust & Mitschke GmbH and built this company up from a small operation into an international SME. The name of ENTEX stands for “extrusion development ” in German. Today, we are the industry and technology leading company in the field of extrusion technology with the Planetary Roller Extruder.

“The perfect processing machine is a symbiosis of thermodynamics and structural strength”

Innovation and the future have been the overriding focus of the company since it was founded – and Harald Rust remained at the helm until the very end. In keeping with his belief that “The perfect processing machine is a symbiosis of thermodynamics and structural strength”, Rust was always searching for new improvements and advances in extrusion technology using the Planetary Roller Extruder, so that it could be put to work in new industries and sectors at the forefront of extrusion technology.

Even in the very beginning, he and his company were able to surpass long-established competitors to achieve their position as the technological leaders in the field of extrusion with Planetary Roller Extruders. Harald Rust was many things. He was a theoretician, inventor, technician, visionary, mentor and much else besides.
“Life means never standing still. And always staying centred.” “The perfect roller has no walls”. Harald Rust was known for kicking off his technical presentations and meetings with statements like these. He channelled his passion and enthusiasm into showcasing the advantages of the Planetary Roller Extruder for his listeners and business partners. Rust never tired of explaining how they work, from little details to overarching concepts, to highlight the many possibilities that they opened up for their users.

Harald Rust also put a great deal of time and effort into helping institutes and universities train and educate the next generation while strengthening Germany as an economic hub and scientific centre.